Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What impression of the Miller does Chaucer create in the portrait? Essa

What conception of the Miller does Chaucer create in the portrait?Extracted from the general prologue, the portrait of the Miller beginsby explaining his physical appearance. His physique is said to be fulbig of brawn and eek of bones indicating he was stocky, big boned andhad large muscles. He was also short-sholdred meaning broad. Thissuggests he could be quite threatening to tonicity at. The Miller had ared beard as across-the-board as a spade, a hairy wart on the top right of hisnose, wide black nostrils and a huge mouth as great as a furnace.Chaucer creates a very clear image in our minds of the Miller and theimpression given through his physical description suggests he israther ugly. In the period of the 14th Century when Chaucer wrote theCanterbury tales, it was considered that you could tell a personscharacter from their appearance, be it adept or bad. Chaucer portraysthe Miller as physically repulsive which implies he is an immoral andbad character. His image could refle ct his personality.In the case of the miller this is so. It is explained that the Millerparticipated in a popular sport of the time, wrestling. It is furtherexplained that he always won the ram (the prize given). Chaucercontinues to give the impression that the Miller was strong and to a received extent should be feared. It also says that he carried with hima swerd and bokeler (sword and shield) by his side, furthersuggesting he was always fighting. In mirroring his bad physicalappearance, there is a confidential information that the Miller could have been athief. Ther was no dore that he nolde heve of harre says that therewas no door he would not have off its hinges. This implies that theMiller wondered the town banging down d... ...he Miller as thedevil to represent that he really was an evil character is only somepeoples perception. Others interpret this reference to have a comicelement and to be used for the purpose of taking-the-mick. In the 14thCentury the general opinion o f the Miller was low and he was adislike man. This was because it was known that he over-priced forhis skills and ripped off his customers by taking too much of theirgrain as a charge. It is therefore some peoples belief that Chaucer issimply analyse the Miller to the devil as a joke and to amuse thosewho disliked the man to simply make the book popular. Whether Chaucermeant to make this reference as comical or to suggest the Miller wasthe devil incarnate, the same impression is given.In the portrait of the Miller Chaucer gives the impression that he isugly, loud, rough and of an evil manner.

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